

Blog Tour & Giveaway - Phantom Wolf by Kia Carrington-Russell


By Kia Carrington-Russell

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Dark Fantasy, Action

Sia is a Phantom Wolf. Neither dead nor alive—and rotting from the inside—she is on the edge of her curse. Once a Phantom Wolf has been created, they hunt their blood pack and slaughter all their loved ones. Except for Sia, who woke years after her death to find herself rampaging through the land on a lonely path. She continues to run from the rival pack that hunts her because she is a Phantom Wolf. 

Attracted to a scent, Sia finds her old best friend, who is now a grown woman. Having once saved Keeley, Sia takes the role of protector yet again, despite Keeley’s involvement with the mysterious Alpha, Kiba, and his kin brother, Saith. 

An ambush separates the pack and the four of them blindly fight the new warriors that attack them: desperately needing to find out where the attacks are coming from, as Sia has vowed to protect Keeley. But at what cost? Now being chased, Sia finds herself conflicted by the mortal and spirit world while trying to protect her kin. Sia must confront her fears, as well as the human lover who killed her many years before. It is not only survival Sia contends with, but her own façade that must be broken so that she may find peace within herself once more.



Kia Carrington-Russell

Kia Carrington-Russell is a young author working on her first series: “The Three Immortal Blades”. Kia began writing at the age of fifteen in high school- finding that all her warped and strange dreams were giving her a fantastic new world- and since then she has never looked back.
Kia Carrington-Russell
Kia was born in a small town in Australia, moving around a lot at a young age until finding a stable town where she finished her schooling. Kia found herself enjoying and expressing herself through poetry, short stories and writing, photography, painting and drawing. All these mediums help Kia express the different world that she is so fond of.
In ‘Senior Art’ Kia focused on feminism and female empowerment; exposing through her work issues and concerns that many people would rather just “sweep under the rug”.
In one art installation, Kia made a bed out of Pokémon cards- the concept being that when she slept a new world would come to life and it was the only one she saw and constantly lived in.
Kia now focuses on her photography, writing and self-help blogs on her website: ‘Precious Living’.
Kia is now keenly working on “The Three Immortal Blades” and “Phantom Wolf” series knowing that these books must be shared with the world and that is what she aims to do now.
Kia writes in her Australian home, trying to focus at times on simply what is running through her head, as her cats either terrorize her legs as scratching posts or her puppy barks in her ear for play-time. And as she continues her series, they grow with her book.
Kia is strongly supported by her friends and family and thanks them dearly for being with her along the bumpy road and nothing would please her more than having your support as well.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram: kia_crystal


Author Interview Host Three:

1.       What would be your biggest achievement for your novel? Seeing it on the New York Times Best Sellers list? Have it be turned into a TV series or movie?

I have a seven book series which I will start in a few years, I am waiting for my writing to become that little bit more mature before I start it; besides I have so many stories to write until then. In my dream I had which created the plot, I was watching it and turned to my sister and said. “Are you watching this, this will be my movie.” So I hope to see that happen. I think it will only further validate that many people have enjoyed my books but also that they enjoyed it so graphically that someone out there was able to see the exact same scenes I tried to convey. So a movie would be wonderful. But to also be on New York Times Best Sellers would be wonderful, to be able to be beside so many authors I already admire, would be a large achievement.

2.       If you could name one book/TV show/movie that best describes you or your life, what one would it be?

Oh, Wow, what a question. I don’t know myself. I recall in Highschool that many of my friends referred to me as Bridget Jones, because I have a clumsy airy fairy demeanor but also I often say things at the wrong time, or shouldn’t say.

There is an anime called ‘Maid Sama’ which both myself and best friend Keeley agree that I am like. The main heroine is hard working, striving, and competitively demonic. But she is always there to help and crossed over many obstacles. I think she agrees I am mostly like her because of my fierce competitive nature. When she reads this she will laugh.

3.       Social media is conquering the world. Are you addicted to a particular social media site? If so, why?

My preferred one is Facebook. Only because I find it easier to connect with my friends but also my readers through my fan page. I can share every step of my journey with them so much easier than other media’s such as Twitter and Instagram. I wouldn’t say I am addicted but I am on there numerous times every day to check up on my readers. Wait is that addicted?



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  1. Thanks for hosting Tammy!
    -Krystal from Bit'N Book Tours
