Book Title: Dragon's Redemption (Dragon Lore, #2)
Author: Eden Ashe
Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Release Date: May 1, 2015
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
When her brother goes missing, everything in Lily Cage's world turns upside down. Born a Hunter female, the last thing she needs is an attraction to Dallas, the scariest dragon in existence. The one known as The Destroyer. With peace between the Hunters and Dragons hanging by a thread, one wrong move on Lily or Dallas's part could catapult them all back into war. But with Dallas playing by his own rules and someone on the outside decimating her life, they have a choice--stand and fight, or lose everything they never realized they wanted.
Convinced dragons have gotten a bad rep throughout time, and more than a little addicted to fairy tales and romance novels, Eden Ashe has decided to re-write history. In her version, the dragons are ancient warriors in tarnished armor, who not only deserve the girl in the end, but will fight forever for her.