Book: Highland
Wolf Clan, Book 4, Despair and Destiny
Author: AK
Publication Date: 6/18/2015
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars
We pick right up
where book 3 left us hanging. Fergie has now been healed by Rebecca and he and
Angela will have issues for a bit. But no time for that as Rebecca has been
taken but by whom? Jacob is going crazy and Cam has no idea what to do to calm
the big wolf. But they are all off on a mission to bring Rebecca home. They
have to enlist the help of some of Rebecca's coven members and when they find
out who has Rebecca fear sets in.
Blood tons of
blood everywhere is it Rebecca?
Well you will have
to grab the book and find out.
Fantastic story
and it leaves us again with another cliffhanger so I thank goodness this author
seems to write quickly. I cannot wait to see what else is ahead for this
Highlander Clan and Cam and Chastity also.
I was gifted a
copy of this book for my honest review.
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