20 Questions
(Author Interview)
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Book Nook Nuts
1. Where do you write from?
Most of the time, I write in my home library sitting in a big comfortable chair next to a window overlooking my front yard. I can spy on my neighbors.
2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Gosh, hmm, let me think. I guess around 1997. My husband and I had been writing skits for our church drama team. A few people, including my husband, suggested I should submit a few of the monologues I had written for publication. I did and they were published. Yay! From there, I starting writing novels. My first manuscript is still sitting on a shelf, Useless Beauty. One day, I’ll dust it off, polish it up, and then publish it. The first book in the Charlie McClung Mysteries was published in 2014.
3. How long does it take you to write a book?
I put my faith, husband, and family first. Next is marketing, a huge time killer, and then writing. If it weren’t for all of those things, I could finish a manuscript in a month. Editing is another story. That takes about two month. I cannot self-edit. You’ve probably already found thousands errors. LOL! Honestly, it’s not funny. I hang my head in shame.
4. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
The first Charlie McClung book is very loosely based on a true story. The other books are inspired by Tom Petty songs, believe it or not. Plus, having a weird imagination helps. I have fantastic resources I use to make my stories authentic, a forensic medical examiner, FBI agent, retired chief of police, a doctor specializing in poisons, and the list goes on.
5. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
The first manuscript was completed in 1998, but the first manuscript published was in 2014. I wasn’t quite 55-years old when Brilliant Disguise was released.
6. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I love to read and watch all kinds of movies and TV programs.
7. What Genre do you write?
I write traditional mysteries with a touch of romance. Some people have called them romantic suspense, but they’re more mystery than romance. Also, a tiny bit of foodie is thrown-in, just a smidge.
8. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
So far, I’ve published four, and I’m currently working on the fifth one. My favorite book? Oh, that’s a tough one. I don’t know. You tell me your favorite one. Go ahead, email me, PM me, or write it in the comments. LOL! Seriously, I’d love to know.
9. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes, but not near enough. I love, love, love to get an email or PM from my readers. They always make my day by telling me how much they enjoy the Charlie McClung Mysteries. Please, make my day by contacting me with any questions or comments.
10. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I wanted to be a doctor, but I found out blood was involved. I wanted to be a nun at one point. Then I wanted to be a special education teacher. I ended up in accounting. Yes, boring.
11. Tell us about your current project.
I’m working on the fifth book in the Charlie McClung Mysteries, Flirting With Time. The third book, Criminal Kind, started a thread of a possible stalker and made apparent in the fourth book, Sins of My Youth. In Flirting With Time, you will discover who the stalker is and why.
12. How do you handle writers block?
Honestly, I haven’t had to deal with that. Hopefully, I never will.
13. What one subject is TABOO in your writing?
I know you asked for one, but there will never be any graphic sex, violence, and language. There will never be any incest or child abuse. My books aren’t cozies, but they are fairly clean.
14. If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be?
Another tough question! There are so many great books. Murder On The Orient Express is the only one I can think of at the moment.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Rude people.
16. Is there one current TV show that is a "can't miss" for you?
If I have to pick one, I guess it would be Shetland on PBS. But you’re probably asking for something more mainstream. So that would be, Grimm or The Big Bang Theory or Major Crime. Okay, I can’t pick just one.
17. Who was your greatest influence?
My mother taught me the love of reading. My husband is my greatest encourager. Writing influences are Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Peters, and Caroline Graham.
18. How do you choose your book covers?
I want all of my covers to have elements from the book on the cover. I let my graphic designer come up with the actual design.
19. Something personal about you people may be surprised to know?
I am a big ol’ homebody.
20. How would a reader find you online? IE: Website, Facebook, Twitter?
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authormaryanneedwards
Website: www.maryanneedwards.com/
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/maryanneedwards/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/maryanneedwards
Twitter: @maedwards58
Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/edwardsmary
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/maryanneedwards
YouTube: www.youtube.com/maryanneedwards
Wiselike: www.wiselike.com/mary-anne-edwards