Author Interview with Marie Force

20 Questions
(Author Interviews)

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 Book Nook Nuts

1. Where do you write from? 
Bed most of the time! Nice and comfy—plus as a romance author I joke that I do my best work in bed. :-)

2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
 I was in high school when a teacher told me I was good at it. Pretty much from 10th grade on, that has been my focus.

3. How long does it take you to write a book? 
2-3 months. 

4. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? 
Online sources when needed. A lot of it I simply make up. For the more technical police procedure Fatal books, I rely on law enforcement sources. 

5. When did you write your first book and how old were you? 
I was 38 when I finished it. 

6. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
 I love to read and watch HGTV and then try to do things to my house that they do on the shows, and I run an AIR BNB rental house in the summer, too. 

7. What Genre do you write? 
Contemporary romance, romantic suspense and erotic romance as M.S Force

8. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? 
53 and my favorite is probably the first one, Treading Water, because it started this journey for me.
9. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say? 
ALL the time. Mostly they want more of their favorite series (I have five of them) and they love to chat with me about the characters and upcoming books. I try to do live chats as often as I can, and the readers really love them.

10. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? 
The only thing I’ve ever really been good at is writing, so I knew it would have something to do with writing and editing, and it has. I’ve always worked as a professional writer/editor. The fiction writing came later.

11. Tell us about your current project. 
Light After Dark, book 16 in the Gansett Island Series was released this week, and the readers are enjoying their return to Gansett, which is my most popular series. I’m almost finished with Every Little Thing, book 1 in my new indie-published Butler Vermont Series, which will continue the Green Mountain Series. 

12. How do you handle writers block? 
I don’t have it. I have the opposite issue—too many stories, not enough hours in the day. 

13. What one subject is TABOO in your writing? 

14. If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be? 
Me Before You

15. What is your biggest pet peeve? 
People who can’t drive! 

16. Is there one current tv show that is a "can't miss" for you? 
Grey’s Anatomy—I’m a hard-core fan!

17. Who was your greatest influence? 
Early romance authors like Danielle Steel made me want to do what she does! :-)

18. How do you choose your book covers? 
This is a long and involved process that involves securing the image and then working with the designer to bring my vision to life. 

19. Something personal about you people may be surprised to know? 
My team jokes that I have one talent and one talent only, and they call me out when I try to venture into other talents! LOL

20. How would a reader find you online?
@marieforce (Twitter)
@marieforceauthor (Instagram)

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