Author Interview with Nina Levine

20 Questions
(Author Interviews)

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Book Nook Nuts

1. Where do you write from?IE: State, City or Room 

I have an office in my home where I do most of my writing, but I also move to the couch and my bed sometimes. Recently I headed out to the library to write and am going to start trying out some different cafes. Too many distractions at home sometimes! 

2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

When I was about twelve. I've been writing in some form since then and always dreamt of having a book published. 

3. How long does it take you to write a book?

I procrastinate a lot, so it takes me longer than it really should! Usually it's about 6-8 weeks I think. Often though, most of the writing gets done in the last three weeks, maybe even the last two lol. It's like pulling teeth for the first half of a book and then I speed through the last quarter. I've been known to write up to 14k on the last day of my editing deadline. I don't recommend that! Once, I had to finish a book the day before I was to fly to Hawaii for a conference. I didn't finish it until the morning of the day I flew out. I then had to run around packing for the week away and so I didn't sleep for about three days by the time we got to Hawaii and then to bed later that day. I definitely don't recommend that!

4. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I draw a lot of inspiration from song lyrics. Ideas flow all the time. Generally I start thinking about the kind of girl or guy I would love to write and then I ask a lot of questions like "What would happen if s/he went through this situation?". I imagine all kinds of scenarios and reactions until it all comes together in my mind. I find the inspiration to write and be creative from all kinds of creative expression in life. For example, I recently attended Adele's concert and felt so inspired to come home and write. Watching a move will inspire me. Visiting an art gallery also inspires me. Reading poetry moves me. As for research information, I research online and talk to people about their experiences.

5. When did you write your first book and how old were you?

I was sixteen/seventeen. There were two stories I wrote. One was my own that I would write every day after school. The other was a collaboration with a school friend where she would write her part one day and then bring it to school and give it to me to write my part the next day. So much fun! And of course, both romances!

6. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

Reading of course :) Besides romance, I love political thrillers from Richard North Patterson, and crime from Patricia Cornwell. I also love Penny Vincenzi's novels. Family sagas are some of my favourites! I also love to make art, although I don't do that so often anymore. Scrapbooking and art journalling. Travel is a newish love of mine. Before I began publishing, I didn't do much of it. I'm blessed now to be able to attend author signings around the world and while I'm there, visit new places.

7. What Genre do you write?


8. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I have 16 books out now. My favourite at the moment is Nitro's Torment. It was a hard book to write because he was a hard man to portray. I also wasn't sure my readers would like him enough at the beginning of the book to make it through to where he grew into himself. Some days I wasn't sure I'd be able to write his story, but I'm glad I persevered because I am so happy with the way those characters developed and how the story came together to be exactly how I imagined it.

9. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

I do! Many tell me how they could relate to the things my characters went through in a book. Many tell me that by reading my books it helped get them through a similar situation. Some tell me that I'm their husband's favourite author because of how they respond to my books ;) But honestly, it means so much when a reader contacts me. Especially when they share how one of my books touched their life in some way.

10. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

I always wanted to write. Becoming an author seemed like a fairytale dream, so I didn't quite believe it would ever happen. Instead, the two professions I thought were attainable were journalism or psychology. I was half way through my psychology degree when I put it on hold to finally pursue my dream of publishing a book. I figured if no one bought my book, I would just go back to my degree. I've never looked back :)

11. Tell us about your current project.

I'm currently working on a few projects. Hyde's Absolution is the main one. This will be my next release and is the fourth book in my Sydney Storm MC series. I'm also working on my book, Ashton Scott, which I currently send out in chapters to my readers for free. I will publish that book once it is finished soon. And then there's a super secret project I have going on in the background that I can't wait to get off the ground later this year!! 

12. How do you handle writers block?

I've never experienced it until this year after my mother passed away. After sitting at the computer day in and day out, struggling with words, I decided that perhaps I really did just need a break. So I've taken one. I've been spending time with friends and family. Watching a lot of Netflix. Reading. Generally just living my life without stressing too much over the words. Allowing myself the space to become inspired again. The break has been good and now I'm back writing.

13. What one subject is TABOO in your writing?

I can't ever see myself writing a book with child trafficking as the topic. 

14. If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be?

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Negative people who constantly complain about the same old shit but do nothing to change it.
Also, my daughter not putting rubbish in the bin!!!!!!! Grrrrrr!

16. Is there one current tv show that is a "can't miss" for you?

At the moment I am loving a few! Big Little Lies, Billions, Suits, Scandal, Nashville

17. Who was your greatest influence?

Possibly one of my closest friends, Nolene. You know how some people just walk into your life and change it without you even realising? She was one of them. She's been one of my biggest encouragers in so many ways. The kind of friend who doesn't always tell you what to do or think, but who guides you with gentle love and insight. She was there during some of my darkest days and has always stuck by my side. We will be friends who inspire each other for life.

18. How do you choose your book covers?

Gah! I spend hours searching for the perfect image. When I find it, I collaborate with my designer to bring my vision to life. I've been blessed to have one of the most amazing and giving designers agree to work with me.

19. Something personal about you people may be surprised to know?

I've started four different university degrees and not finished one of them. Business, Arts, Human Resource Management & then Psychology. I was 38 when I finally did the one thing I'd always wanted to do - publish a book. Never give up on your dreams! It's never too late :) 

20. How would a reader find you online? IE: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Street Team, Reader Group. Please include all your links.

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