Author Interview with Darlene Kuncytes

20 Questions
(Author Interview)

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Book Nook Nuts

1.Where do you write from?   
My heart and soul!!! LOL But I live in Ohio! ;) 

2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?  
I was born with a love of reading and writing, I think. I have always loved books and telling stories. I used to love to sit under the street light in the summer and tell my friends scary stories. 

3. How long does it take you to write a book? 
It really depends. I write organically. I have to let these crazy characters tell their story in their own time. I don’t want to force it, because then it seems rushed and it’s much too easy to write the same book with just different character names. lol

4. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?  
I am a complete and total daydreamer. I always have been. Sometimes I will just hear a song or perhaps visit a place and BAM! An idea will pop into my head and those amazing voices start talking!

5. When did you write your first book and how old were you?  
Well, that depends on what you mean.  I “wrote” my first book when I was probably six or seven. My mom and I would make books on rainy days. I would write the story and then we would draw the illustrations and she would put it all together in a book form. I really wish I still had some of those books now. How amazing would that be?
And I have tons of unfinished books laying around someplace. Like I said, I have ALWAYS loved writing. But, I published my first book at 48 years old! It was the number one thing on my bucket list! I never dreamed that a little over three years later I would be here. It is a gift that I am thoroughly enjoying the hell out of! I have made SO many amazing friends that it sometimes makes my head spin!

6. What do you like to do when you're not writing? 
Rest! Just kidding. I work full time, so my free time is spent writing, cleaning ect. But, I am active in trying to end puppy mills and I foster puppy mill survivors.  I do love to swim and just sit out on the deck with a few of my peeps and yak about absolutely nothing!

7. What Genre do you write? 
Romance! Paranormal. Suspense/Romance.

8. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I currently have 7 books out and are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Wow…my favorite? That is a tough one. I would have to say - A Vampire’s Saving Embrace, because it was my first and it was the one that started this whole crazy, amazing journey for me, but I am REALLLLY in love with my Suspense/Romance I’ll Be Seeing You. I just fell completely in love with the characters of Cole and Katherine for so many different reasons. 

9. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say? 
I do! And I absolutely freaking LOVE it!! OMG! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy hearing from my readers! 
Well, right now, I’m getting “When is Harper going to be done?” lol But, they are amazing, supportive and loving! And they mean the absolute WORLD to me!

10. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? 
I wanted to be Stephen King! LOL, I really did. Or John Saul! OMG!! I devoured John Saul books! I didn’t want to be a princess or a ballerina…I just wanted to tell amazing stories!

11. Tell us about your current project.   
It’s book 4 in The Supernatural Desire Series. Harper’s Heavenly Embrace. It’s coming along slowly, but it has just seemed as if life has been getting in the way a lot lately. 
I’m also working on a Christmas novella trilogy that is part of my Anthology Novella Series. I’m hoping to release this the beginning of December. Fingers crossed! These are just some fun, romantic, sexy short paranormal romances to hopefully whet your appetites! They are all only .99 each. 

12. How do you handle writers block?
 I walk away. I have to. I will either clean, or maybe just go for a ride. When the time is right, my characters will start talking again. 

13. What one subject is TABOO in your writing? 
Oh, wow. I would have to say incest or rape. There are people out there that these can trigger awful, horrible memories and I never want to do that to anyone. I want them to fall in love with my stories. I want them to lose themselves for just a few hours to a wonderful world of romance.

14. If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be?  
Gone with the Wind! 

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?  
Stiff, lazy writing. I want to bond with the characters in a book. I want to feel what they feel. I want to want to hang out and have a drink with them. When a book is written too formally, or stiffly…I lose that feeling really quick

16. Is there one current tv show that is a "can't miss" for you?  
You know…no. It used to be Criminal Minds, but tv for me anymore just doesn’t hold my attention. 

17. Who was your greatest influence? 
Writing wise…Stephen King. I just LOVE how he writes his characters. They are SO real. They react like REAL people would, and I love that. 
But, in my real life, it would definitely be my family. Especially my parents. They always encouraged me to follow my dreams. They always had time to read stuff that I had written and tell me to keep going…even when they were stupid horror stories! LOL That is actually one of my biggest regrets. That they weren’t here to see my first book published. 
But, I am also so very blessed to have family around me who are so supportive and I hope proud of what I’ve accomplished. 

18. How do you choose your book covers? 
This is the really freaky part. I just happened to luck out and find THE BEST cover artists in the world! Linda Boulanger of Tell-tale cover designs!  She is crazy spooky! I will tell her a few things about the book, what the characters look like to me, and then she hits it right on the head every damn time! I am SO blessed to have found this amazing lady! Stacy Bradly did the cover for I’ll Be Seeing You and it was the same thing. We talked about what I envisioned and she delivered! I LOVE working with such talent! It makes everything SO much easier! 

19. Something personal about you people may be surprised to know? 
I have a REALLY hard time accepting compliments from people. 

20. How would a reader find you online? IE: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Street Team, Reader Group. 

 Darlene Kuncytes Author on Facebook, I also have A Vampire’s Saving Embrace Fan page on Facebook, Darlene Kuncytes Fan Club on Facebook, @VampireEmbrace on Twitter.  Contact me!!!! 

The Supernatural Desire Series:

A Vampire`s Saving Embrace ~
A Wolf`s Savage Embrace ~
Marcus’ Mortal Embrace ~
Coming soon!! Harper’s Heavenly Embrace!!

Suspense!!! ROMANCE!
I’ll Be Seeing You~

Anthology Novella Series! ONLY .99 each!!!
Book 1 – A Witch’s Hearts Desire ~
Book 2 – Summer Sin ~
Book 3 – Wolf Bane ~

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