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Author Interview with Nicolajayne Taylor

20 Questions
(Author Interview)
Brought to you by
Book Nook Nuts

1. Where do you write from? 
I am a British Horror writer with a twist. I hope these questions will lead to the twist.

2. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
It was when my mother died in 2014, I had a break down and the only thing that kept repeating in my head was the amount of times she wished I would become a writer, so I did. I am honouring her dreams for me.

3. How long does it take you to write a book?
From six months to a year and maybe the same amount of time to edit it. This is a process and you need to go through it, live it and love it.

4. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
I have always had a dark side. I love horror, music and history. So you could interpret that as I take inspiration from the night, romance and I love old things. 

5. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I wrote my first story at a tender age of eleven, I wrote it about my friends and family, and my first boyfriend. It wasn’t great. My first novel, The Curse of Mary was written in 2014, I am eternally the age of twenty-five. 

6. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Music, cooking and socialising, I love entertaining.

7. What Genre do you write?
I write in horror but with elements of dark fantasy and erotica entwined throughout.  

8. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I have written six in total and still counting. Some are short delights and a few novels in there, just for fun.

9. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I love my darklings, they tell me about their love affairs with Isisti, and they run around the internet screaming I love this demon and tell me the book changed their lives. I have the best readers.

10. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I always was a wayward child, I knew I wanted to do my own thing, be me and nothing would get in the way of that. Art is the best way to be what you want to be.

11. Tell us about your current project.
My current WIP is called The Ancient Ones. It is about a professor who collects spirit boxes and ends up bringing two very ancient creatures together that want to be free, all they need is the one that makes a trio and is already free, and all hell will break loose. It is down to the professor to put them back in the box, easier said than done, especially when members of his family meet death.

12. How do you handle writers block?
There is no such thing. Take a step back, learn to relax and don’t force it. Listen to your characters, talk to them and write down what they tell you. 

13. What one subject is TABOO in your writing?
I am the definition of taboo, I put the reins on glorifying rape, child molestation and domestic violence. I have been the victim of all these things, and would write them into my books, but I don’t want to get accused of shock art. 

14. If there was one book you wish you'd written, which would it be?
None, this may sound vain, but it isn’t. I wrote the book I wanted to write and told my story. The Curse of Mary and her prequel are both me, they are ebook and print. I wouldn’t want somebody else’s art.

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People ending up in drama, saying they can’t do shit when all it takes is a good talking to yourself, giving your head a wobble and getting on with it. I have bi-polar, but I never see a troll, end up arguing the toss with somebody or in one of those hundred long comment chains on something that has nothing to do with me.

16. Is there one current tv show that is a "can't miss" for you?
Westworld and Humans, the life is a simulation theory is something I am deeply into researching so these shows touch on that.

17. Who was your greatest influence?
Graham Masterton and Barbra Erskine, Poe, Barker and Koontz.

18. How do you choose your book covers?
I work with a lovely person called Rebecca Pool who owns a company called Dreams2media she just gets me, even though I am picky as hell and probably drive her nutz

19. Something personal about you people may be surprised to know?
I don’t actually expect a blood ritual upon meeting or even worshipping at my feet. Mwhaha

20. How would a reader find you online? IE: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Street Team, Reader Group.


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